Become A United States Citizen
Naturalization is the process of becoming a U.S. citizen by completing various requirements established by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). In most cases, those requirements include a period of lawful permanent residency.
At the Santa Fe Springs law office of Robert F. Jacobs & Associates, PLC, our lawyers can help you determine if you are eligible to become a U.S. citizen. If you are, we will help you complete your Form N-400 Application for Naturalization.
We will guide you through all stages of the process, including preparing you for the naturalization test, and representing you at the interview.
Certified Specialist In Immigration And Nationality Law
If you do not immediately qualify for naturalization, we can determine if there are actions that can be taken to make you eligible. For example, if you do not qualify because of a criminal record, we may be able to vacate or expunge a criminal conviction.
With more than 25 years of experience and led by a certified specialist in immigration and nationality law, we are well-versed in all available options to help you become an American citizen.
When applications for citizenship are denied, we do not give up and neither should you. Our attorneys are committed to pursuing these matters to the highest level.
Are You Already A U.S. Citizen And Don’t Know It?
Frequently, we find that people seeking naturalization are already U.S. citizens, but do not know or simply have not completed the proper documentation. We can assist with the completion of Form N-600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship. This option is available to biological and adopted children of United States citizens.
We also assist with Delayed Registration of Birth. This is an option for people who were born in the United States, but not in a hospital. We can assist these people in obtaining a birth certificate, even if they are now adults.
The Bottom Line: You Have Options
While citizenship and naturalization issues are definitely complex, you may be surprised at the number of options available to you, provided you have a lawyer with the experience to find them. For more information about your options, call 866-308-5703 or send an email. We help people in the Los Angeles area, throughout California and beyond.